Call for incubation and acceleration. March 2022
The following is the resolution of the High Technology Incubator in Bioeconomy and Circular Economy (IAT) Steering Committee selecting the projects and business initiatives that will participate in the incubation and acceleration process of the IAT, within the framework of the March 2022 Call:
List of selected projects
1 | Ecoeficiencia en la gestión y valorización de los residuos del proceso productivo de la Kombucha, mediante la obtención de fitoquímicos y compuestos de alto valor añadido | Nuria Morales Álvarez | Shared Space | 77,0 |
2 | Valorización integral de los residuos de la elaboración de jugo de aloe vera | Iciar Muñoz Carrero | Shared Space | 74,0 |
3 | Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías para la innovación productiva del carbón vegetal de Extremadura y su desarrollo sostenible con el medio ambiente | Francisco Manuel Nieto Benito | Individual Space | 70,0 |
4 | Desarrollo de las plantas aromáticas en Extremadura y su maximización de Valor | Javier Alonso Meseguer | Individual Space | 68,0 |
5 | Valorización de residuos agroalimentarios mediante el diseño de procesos integrados que permitan un mayor aprovechamiento en la obtención de biomateriales. | José Antonio Rosa Mera | Shared Space | 66,0 |
6 | Obtención de licopeno y otros compuestos de interés a partir de la valorización de las pieles y semillas de tomate | Rafael Carranza Erquicia | Shared Space | 66,0 |
7 | Cherry Delycium 2 | Elena García Garrido | Shared Space | 65,5 |
8 | Terpenoliva | Santiago Eloy Rivera Garrido | Shared Space | 62,0 |
9 | Valorar mediante infusiones la inflorescencia del aloe vera | Francisco Sánchez García | Shared Space | 62,0 |
10 | Alimentos funcionales y productos de alto valor añadido procedentes de la espirulina | Natalia Cristina Concepción Grande | Individual Space | 62,0 |
11 | Eco Innova Social | Petra Mª Carrasco Delgado | Shared Space | 60,5 |
12 | Extracción Hidroxitirosol | Juan Antonio Martínez Barrena | Shared Space | 59,0 |
13 | Valorización de subproductos de la industria cárnica para la elaboración de Pet Food. | Manuel Rosa Mera | Shared Space | 57,5 |
14 | Valorización de los residuos orgánicos urbanos sólidos y los agroalimentarios mediante la producción de humus biofortificados. | Sol Delgado Adámez / Gema Quesada Aguilar / Milagros Serrano Pulido | Shared Space | 56,0 |
15 | INSEXT | Sergio Pérez González | Shared Space | 51,5 |
16 | ECOCITOR | Ignacio Miguel Peco Campos | Individual Space | 50,5 |
List of excluded projects
1 | U[b]A Green | Albane Desrousseaux de Medrano | Individual Space | 49,0 |
2 | Reutilización de residuos sanitarios | Simón González | Shared Space | 47,5 |
3 | Obrador polivalente de artesanía alimentaria, otras elaboraciones culinarias de economía Social en la Sierra de Gata | Natalia del Águila García | Shared Space | 46,5 |
4 | La magia de un mundo Sostenible | Eduardo Morales Custodio | Shared Space | 41,5 |
5 | Jara-Lab | Luz Martínez Prieto | Shared Space | 39,0 |
The first assessment of the applications submitted was carried out by the Evaluation panel, made up of representatives of the entities responsible for the IAT: the Extremadura Centre for Scientific and Technological Research (CICYTEX), the FUNDECYT-Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura Foundation (FUNDECYT-PCTEX) and Extremadura Avante, S.L.U.; as well as the University of Extremadura and the General Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Regional Government of Extremadura.
The result of the valuation carried out was recorded in the Report of the Evaluation panel issued on 6 July 2022, which has been passed on to the Committee responsible for the IAT in order to issue the final resolution.
In accordance with section 7.3 of the Call, interested parties may lodge a complaint against this resolution until 1 August 2022, during the 10 working days following the publication of this resolution on the IAT website, using the electronic form provided therein, or by e-mail to
Once each allegation has been received, its case will be analysed and a reasoned reply will be given to the person concerned within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the allegation.
You can consult the text of the Call and the General conditions that regulate the whole process in the links below.
If you have any questions, you can contact us through the following e-mail address: