Pre-acceleration call. December 2020
Below is a list of the projects selected by the Steering Committee responsible for the High Technology Incubator in Bioeconomy and Circular Economy (IAT) within the selection procedure of projects likely to participate in the pre-acceleration process of the IAT, in the framework of the December 2020 call:
1 | Acicutax | Juan José Hernández Martín | 68,5 |
2 | Agrotencas Pizarro | Alvaro Mateos Pizarro | 56,8 |
3 | Alimentos funcionales y productos de alto valor añadido procedentes de la espirulina | Natalia Cristina Concepción Grande | 68,8 |
4 | AntioxidantEX | Jorge López Gallego | 74,25 |
5 | Aplicaciones del Biomortero derivado del corcho natural | Petra Mª Carrasco Delgado | 64,75 |
6 | IDDECA | Isabel Balbontin da Costa de Moraes | 81,0 |
7 | Las delicias del palacio del Deán | Natalia Del Aguila García | 28,5 |
8 | Reanga Química | Santiago Eloy Rivera Garrido | 61,0 |
9 | Innovaciones tecnológicas agrosanitarias “Agrosanitex” | Antonio Macías García | 64,5 |
10 | FOOD 3.0 | David Carapeto Sánchez | 61,0 |
11 | Obtención de compuestos bioactivos a partir de bagazo y lías cerveceras mediante técnicas ¨verdes¨ | Juan Manuel Zapata Cuellar | 76,5 |
12 | Producción de fibra a partir de cáñamo (Cannabis sativa) | José Rafael Gallego Vivas | 58,8 |
13 | Extracción de cannabidiol y celulosa a partir de cáñamo industrial en Extremadura | Juan Antonio Martínez Barrena | 72,5 |
14 | Jara-lab | Luz Martínez | 28,5 |
The first assessment of the applications submitted was carried out by the Evaluation panel, made up of representatives of the entities responsible for the IAT: the Extremadura Centre for Scientific and Technological Research (CICYTEX), the FUNDECYT-Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura Foundation (FUNDECYT-PCTEX) and Extremadura Avante, S.L.U.; as well as the University of Extremadura and the General Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Regional Government of Extremadura.
The result of the assessment carried out was recorded in the Report of the Evaluation panel issued on 3 May 2020, which has been passed on to the Committee responsible for the IAT in order to issue the final resolution establishing the projects selected to participate in the pre-acceleration programme.
Interested parties may lodge a complaint against this Resolution within 10 working days of the publication of the resolution on the IAT website, using the electronic contact form.
You can consult the text of the Call and the General Rules that regulate the whole process in the links below.
If you have any questions, you can contact us through the following e-mail address: